HST 2013: IARU High Speed Telegraphy, Bulgaria

HST means High Speed Telegraphy. It is a competition organised by IARU.

HST 2013 Results (pdf 8Mb)
HST 2014 will be held in Bar (Montenegro) on September 12-16, 2014.

Some photos from HST 2013 - High Speed Telegraphy Championship 2013 in Borovets, Bulgaria (22-26 September 2013).

Show all pictures - Keywords: Adrian HE9AKG - Andrea IK1PMR - Bogdan HB9EYN - Borovets - Christoph HB9AJP - Claudia PA3LEO - Claudio IK0XCB - Debora HB9EIW - Franco HB9EDG - Fritz HB9CSA - Fulvio HB9DHG - Iliya LZ4UU - LZ2013HST - Lyubisa HB9EDB - Paola - Piero I2RTF - Vencislav LZ2JE - Vroni HB9HVW - Yvonne HB9ELF

5 pictures found for: Piero I2RTF
Piero I2RTF, Lyubisa HB9EDB
Piero I2RTF and Lyubisa HB9EDB
Piero I2RTF, Adrian HE9AKG
Piero I2RTF and Adrian HE9AKG
Lyubisa HB9EDB, Piero I2RTF
Lyubisa HB9EDB and Piero I2RTF
Paola, Piero I2RTF, Lyubisa HB9EDB
Paola, Piero I2RTF and Lyubisa HB9EDB
Piero I2RTF, Claudio IK0XCB
Piero I2RTF and the silver medal Claudio IK0XCB

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